Portrait of Kendra
by: Kendra

Knit in New Directions


[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] just arrived at the shop and I must admit I’m at a loss for words. Ahh… where to begin to describe it to you? Well, let’s just say it is one power packed inspirational and instructional book that simply amazes.


[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]
  [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]

A quick flip through and it’s the colors that will immediately catch your eye and give you reason to pause. Upon which time you’ll see the unique shapes and angles working together in mind blowing synchrony. Amazing combinations of color and pattern unite in stunning bags and sweaters you might expect to find at a high end boutique. Lucky for you, the patterns are all right there in fantastic detail allowing you to create your own masterpiece.

As you delve further you’ll realize the patterns are customizable templates. Each encouraging you to take the idea presented in the project and create your own unique pieces.  Because the presentation of this form of creative knitting is not math dependent it works for the very structured, by the book, knitter, as well as the free-form knitter who wants to be off and running with the ideas.

Want to embark on a “journey into creativity” of your own? Well, wait no more. Buy this book! There’s no doubt you’ll be empowered to take your knitting in a whole new direction.

Hats off to author, Myra Wood, and publisher, XRX, for a superior book. Take a peak inside its pages.


Portrait of Kendra
Picture of Kendra signature