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Accessories. Bobbin Lace And Tatting Patterns

Beaded Tatted Earrings Set 1

Six lacy beaded earring patterns per set . Directions are given for shuttle and needle ta... →more
7750001P • $4.00

Temporarily unavailable, please call or contact for details

Beaded Tatted Earrings Set 2

Here is the second in a set of beaded tatted earring patterns. Included are six patterns for either sh... →more
7750002P • $4.00

Temporarily unavailable, please call or contact for details

Beaded Tatted Earrings Set 3

The third, and final, in a set of patterns to make tatted earrings. Included are 6 patterns for either sh... →more
7750003P • $4.00 • in-stock

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