Halcyon Yarn Rug Wool

Our rug yarn stands the test of time: Halcyon Yarn Signature Classic Rug Wool is a sturdy, beautiful and ve... →more
00116500 • $15.95

Polar Bear Wool Yarn

What an interesting yarn! Thick and with slubs, this yarn is sure to create an item of interest. We... →more
18300000 • $28.25

2-Ply Silk Noil Yarn (Raw Silk)

Silk is the strongest of all the natural fibers by weight, and its ability to breathe; in clothing fabric - ... →more
1490000L • $72.00

2/5 Natural Silk Yarn

Silk yarn's natural luster is brought out anew with each washing. It is the strongest of all the na... →more
1450000M • $22.00