Shetland Top Wool Fiber

Shetland is a soft and downy "shortwool" wool fiber believed to have origins in Scandinavia. To... →more
3010010L • $36.00

Shetland Blend Top Wool Fiber

Shetland is a soft and downy "shortwool" wool fiber believed to have orgins in Scandinavia. To... →more
3040000L • $36.00

Icelandic Top Wool Fiber

The Icelandic sheep, part of the oldest and purest breeds of sheep, is a cousin of the Shetland and Finn. Th... →more
3060010L • $34.60

Shetland Moorit

Shetland is a soft, downy shortwool believed to originate from Scandinavia. Today, the breed is most often fo... →more
3560000L • $36.00