Portrait of Kendra
by: Kendra

New Must Have Weaving eBook

Handwoven’s Master Weaver Collection: Favorite Projects and Lessons from Sharon Alderman eBook Printed Copy

After the popularity of Handwoven's Master Weaver Collection: Favorite Projects and Lessons from Madelyn van der Hoogt eBook Printed Copy and Handwoven's Master Weaver Collection: Favorite Projects and Lessons from Tom Knisely - eBook Printed Copy, it’s exciting to see another eBook in the master weaver collection series. This one is another definite to add to your weaving library and Halcyon Yarn is your only source to get a “printed” version. Sharon Alderman is the weaver in the spotlight this time around. Handwoven’s Master Weaver Collection: Favorite Projects and Lessons from Sharon Alderman eBook Printed Copy includes a variety of projects from scarves, towels, placemats, a table runner, a bath set, a shawl and a throw, as well as different weave structures such as various twills, M’s and O’s and waffle weave. If you’re a fan of Sharon’s knowledge and designs we highly recommend [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] . It’s a wealth of information and a valuable resource you’ll turn to again and again. Want to learn more about Sharon? Check out her website,


Handwoven's Master Weaver Collection: Favorite Projects and Lessons from Madelyn van der Hoogt eBook Printed Copy » Info / buy
Handwoven's Master Weaver Collection: Favorite Projects and Lessons from Tom Knisely - eBook Printed Copy » Info / buy
[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]
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As always, we’d like to remind you Halcyon Yarn is your exclusive source for “printed” versions of  all the popular Handwoven eBooks. They are printed in full color on acid-free coated stock, saddle-stitched and ready for immediate browsing and convenient posting next to your loom. Booklets focus on a specific yarn, weaving technique or type of project, providing several patterns from previously published Handwoven magazines, each with detailed instructions and illustrations.

Related items of interest: • Weaving Books

Portrait of Kendra
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