Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

The long reach of Indigo – Interactive down town weaving – Fiber Arts News


While we’re celebrating 45 years this year at Halcyon Yarn – it’s humbling, and embracing, to be a part of a much larger, longer tradition: fiber arts. Archeologists have found samples of woven fabric, dyed multiple colors – including the earliest example of Indigo Dyeing – dating back 6,200 years. Nest time you reach for Indigo, take a moment to savor the tradition you’re  a part of, and take a closer look at the wonderful work people are doing to understand where we came from!


It’s pretty cool the ways in which art can help us to engage and understand our history and community. That’s what Entropika architecture and design lab has done in Łódź, Poland, a city that is striving to adapt as mills are slowing down. Complicated issues to be sure, but, hopeful –  over the course of days, people were invited to be part of an interactive weaving in the city down town? Yes please! Looks to be part of a much larger festive response to revitalization – wonderful work!

Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature