Portrait of Kendra
by: Kendra

January Gift Certificate Recipient

If you’re new to Halcyon Yarn you may not be aware of our “Win” tickets. Each time you place an order with us you’ll receive a comment card (win ticket) or an on-line feedback survey to fill out.  These are called “Win” tickets because each one we receive back through the mail or on-line enters you into a drawing to win a $10 monthly, $25 quarterly and a $50 annual gift certificate. We appreciate your feedback. We read all the comments at our Halcyon Yarn morning staff meetings. So fill out your “Win” ticket, return it to us and hopefully you’ll see your name here in the future.

Congratulations to Connie P. from Neoga, Il. She is the recipient of our January $10 gift certificate.

Portrait of Kendra
Picture of Kendra signature

12 thoughts on “January Gift Certificate Recipient”

  1. Dolores Rodriguez says:

    Thanks for the interesting newsletter.

  2. Roberta Leiphart says:

    Adding a paypal button to your checkout would be so much easier than digging out my credit card each time. If there was a way to enter the win ticket online after you receive your order maybe by entering your order number or something. I know I hate to use a stamp if I don’t have to. I think more people would respond.

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