Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

Getting to know: Peggy.

“You may call me a relic” says Peggy, laughing. Since she’s been with Halcyon Yarn for 20 years, her jest is understandable. But the truth is, she has her hand on the pulse of the fiber world as well as that of Halcyon Yarn and she is about as current as they come. What has/does Peggy do at Halcyon Yarn? “I have done most aspects of the business, shipping, packing, taking orders…”, it’s a long list and makes an exact job description tricky. But chances are, if you have a question to ask, she’s a good place to start (for customers or staff!). On the off chance she doesn’t know, she’ll know who will.

With all that experience, one wonders how the place has changed… “We have expanded a lot over the years, from only being open to instore people 2 hours per week to 6 days a week with Sundays off for good behavior” jokes Peggy. But it’s true, with the move to an historic warehouse in Bath, Maine, Halcyon Yarn has become something of a “destination store” with visitors from all over the world – to say nothing of the orders coming in from cyberspace around the clock. And this evolution has been helped along by Peggy’s knowledge and humor.

Peggy’s fiber arts interests are diverse, and she’s amenable to their proud tradition: “I like to do rug hooking, and have made sweaters for each of my grandchildren”, she says. That’s where you begin to realize that she’s a Mainer – blending tradition, ingenuity, and no fear of tackling a project. “If you talk to me on over the phone you can tell I’ve lived in Maine all my life, I have the accent” she said, and she’s got the laugh too – Thanks Peggy for keeping things bright and us productive!

Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature

One thought on “Getting to know: Peggy.”

  1. Mark Vice says:

    I love it!

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