Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

Knit a baseball season with conceptual knitting? Weaving?


We are huge fans of fun ideas – and it seems that there is a movement of “conceptual knitting” afoot, taking hold noticeably in baseball stadiums. Starting with team colors for a palette, knit a couple rows for home wins in one color, home losses another color, add some variety for away games… and you end up with a very cool record of your season! We had to look up a pattern – and came across Stacey Simpson Duke, who has some wonderful baseball based conceptual knitting projects, including an infinity scarf and socks! Check out her blog which has progress, notes, and patterns, or download the free infinity scarf pattern  or socks pattern directly on Ravelry. The infinity scarf pattern is tremendously flexible, and provides a worksheet and calculations for working with most any yarn, as well as organizing your color scheme.

But what of team colors? Halcyon Yarn’s team color matcher to the rescue:

Team colors in yarn – Chose league:







Any weavers want to take up the call? Have a rigid heddle that you could devote to the cause for a seasson? We’d love to see some ‘conceptual weaving’ too!

Regardless, we’re excited as this looks like a super fun way to keep occupied during games, and there are so many fun yarns to choose! Mix colors – blend two similar matches for wins, same for losses for a richly textured record of your season!

In our playing with color matching using our color matcher the medium weight yarns seemed to provide the best color matches – there are a lot of medium weight yarns from which to choose! Hmmm… Crackerjack socks got us thinkin’!


Huge thanks to the team colors project for team logo and color information! Let us know with your ideas and progress!



Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature