Portrait of Kendra
by: Kendra

Newest Issue of Ply Magazine


[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] is here! It might be the vibrant cover with its sun drenched yellows, sunset shades of oranges, pinks and corals that catches your attention but its the content that will keep you stimulated for hours. We’d expect nothing less from our favorite spinning magazine.


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This issue is all about bulky. Every spinner knows it well, that thick, larger than life yarn we all create in the beginning of our spinning career but then becomes an enigma as our spinning skills increase. This issue of Ply will have you spinning big, bold, beautiful yarns but this time around it will be by design and created with purpose. Learn to draft for thicker woolen and worsted yarn. Ply several singles to build the bulky you want. Terrific tips and tricks for building grit and increasing diameter. Learn to keep your bulky even and consistent or create thick and thin. Are there better breeds for bulky yarn? Why yes and Beth Smith tells you which. Deb Robson tackles the issue of fiber length while Michelle Boyd talks about wheel set up and tension. It’s fascinating to learn how yarn diameter affects color. These are just some of the articles, there’s even more. So make sure Ply is top on your list of summer reads and then get spinning!

Don’t forget we stock back issues of Ply.


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Portrait of Kendra
Picture of Kendra signature