Portrait of Kendra
by: Kendra

One Cool Tool / Schacht Incredible Rope Machine


Join Beth and Kate in this how-to video  to see just how easy and fun it is to make rope! We love the Incredible Rope Machine. You can make all kinds of ropes – ropes for ties, ropes for bag handles, ropes for pretend play. It’s total fun for kids and adults.


Portrait of Kendra
Picture of Kendra signature

2 thoughts on “One Cool Tool / Schacht Incredible Rope Machine”

  1. Rachel DeWald says:

    If I wanted to could I take 3 ropes made from this and then wind the three together to make an even thicker rope? I am looking to make jump ropes with this product and unsure whether to buy it if it cannot handle the thickness.

    1. Amos says:

      Hi Rachel,
      I asked a couple of folks who have use the rope machine, and, they weren’t sure either way. What type of yarn/twine/fiber are you thinking of using? How many strands? They had used it to make cord that would be heavy enough for jumping rope (they suggested simply attaching 3 ‘bundles’ to the rope machine, and then twisting that?). But, it’s certainly not “commercial grade” or heavy-duty, so if you’re wanting a very thick jump rope it might not be up to it. I’d be happy to ask around again if you have more info on what you hope to use for materials.

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