Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

Super super super fine weaving – fiber arts news

Weaving with atom-wide fibers


No word on how they warped their loom, but scientists at UC Berkley have woven materials from helical organic threads, a first. This is weaving with atoms, and that’s kinda crazy. Applications may include carbon capture and storage, manufacturing of novel plastics and fuels, computing, as well as making materials that are very strong and flexible. Sorry, we are not offering 100,000,000 DPI reeds just yet.

Knitting a healthy life


We’ve posted on the health benefits of knitting and other fiber-arts before, but we found this article in the New York Times to be a nice reminder and great overview. It’s also a great way to inspire others to give fiber arts a try, and to count your time with yarn as time well spent!

Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature

2 thoughts on “Super super super fine weaving – fiber arts news”

  1. Frederick Maheux says:

    I have read your article, And I would like for you to send me more information.
    Would like to learn more about weaving with different kinds of fine threads. Thank you very much Mr. Maheux

    1. Amos says:

      Hi, Thanks for the interest. We don’t have specific information “ready to send”, but are happy to help with any specific questions you may have. Just let me know! Cheers.

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