Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

Weaving modern art – fiber arts news

Inspirational collaboration


Some inspirational weaving being done in Queens by husband and wife team Mark Barrow and Sarah Parke. Playing with colorspaces, using traditional weaving and hand applied color modifications after weaving is done, and even “reweaving”, they’re producing beautiful pieces that are sought and displayed the world over. Great summary of their efforts in Architectural Digest. For anyone close to NYC, their current exhibit runs through Oct 25th, at Elizabeth Dee Gallery.

Dancing, Weaving


Intrigued to see an interesting looking modern dance interpretation of traditional weaving cultures, researched and choreographed by award winning artist Peter Chin. Though it’s premier in Toronto (see video) has passed, it is set to tour internationally. Some interesting reading and specially commissioned essays are available for all, and of particular interest if you get a chance to see the performance!

Feel better with fiber? Weave away worries? Research says yes!


Ann Collier, from Northern Arizona State University, has been doing some serious research on how healing fiber arts and other “making things” activities can be for mental health. How helpful? Her results indicate very helpful! Fun interview (and transcript) with her here, and her research is listed here.

Portrait of Amos
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