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Medium, Light weight yarns for st-louis-rams

Closest yarn colors for: st-louis-rams in Medium, Light weight yarns. These yarns are 'automagic' matches from the thousands of yarn colors we carry: they are definitely not official colors. Some may be very close, others not close at all... We think the fun part is deciding what you like best! This is our effort to give you a jump-start in your search... Good luck, enjoy, and... Go st-louis-rams!

Need anoter weight yarn? See also: •  heavy weight yarns •  light weight yarns . We also have matches for many other teams

Need patterns? We have collected a bunch of free / affordable knitting and crochet patterns for showing your support for your team or school. Why not try a "conceptual knitting" project? Knit a scarf or socks with rows of one color to represent wins, another color for losses. Fun for watching games! So many fun yarns to from which to choose...

Thanks to Team Colors and operationsports for colors and logos.