Frequently Asked Question

Compare yarn colors
Last Updated 4 years ago

There are a couple of ways to compare yarn colors on our website. The quickest and easiest, if the colors you want to compare are in the same yarn line, is to drag and drop the yarn images next to each other on the page. You can do that by looking for the 'four way arrow' icon at the top of each yarn color image, clicking and holding down to drag, and then releasing the click when it's where you want it. Here is a quick example:

There is also a more flexible way, where you can compare colors from different yarn lines. To use it, you have to login to our website. If you don't already have a login, it's free to create account at

Once you are logged in, you can add yarn colors to a project using the "+project" link below each color. Then you can view that project on it's own page, and drag and drop the yarn colors (or fibers, equipment, or other items), change their size, and more. This is a great way to go if you want to save the pairings or share them with others! Here is a quick video of how to use projects:

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