So Warped - Warping a Loom for Weaving Tapestry Weaving Book

Author: Kathe Todd-Hooker with Pat Spark
110 pgs. (spiral,bl_wh)

After many years of teaching tapestry and weaving, the authors realize that it is sometimes the warping process that stops a weaver dead in her/his tracks. Traditional weavers often have horror stories about their warping experiences and while many tapestry weavers do not have a background in traditional weaving, they too often see the process as impossibly difficult. In this book we are covering as many warping methods and hints as our combined 60 years of experience have taught us. We have learned these methods through much trial and error. We are certain there are other ways of doing things, but we have hit upon the methods that work well for us and for our students.

Vendor item: 51094200
UPC: 9780975369869
Item Number: 51094200
Price: $38.00



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