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Spinning Books

Spin-Off Presents: Combing: a Spinner's Guide- eBook Printed Copy

Wool combs deserve a healthy measure of respectand not just because they are sharp and weighty. Its a big st... →more
5627024E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: 7 Handspun Shawls to Knit, Crochet, and Weave - eBook Printed Copy

What wardrobe is complete without a shawl or two or twenty? I know that I reach for my shawls to add wa... →more
5627015E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Handspun Gifts - eBook Printed Copy

When you want to give someone a special gift, the ultimate expression of creativity, effort, and beauty: th... →more
5627016E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Essentials of Drum carding - eBook Printed Copy

Besides a spinning wheel (or even including a spinning wheel!), a drumcarder is the biggest investment ma... →more
5627017E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Easy Knitting Patterns for Beginner Spinners - eBook Printed

Once you master the basics of drafting and plying (and treadling, for wheel users), you're eager to ke... →more
5627018E • $12.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: How to Wash Wool - eBook Printed Copy

We talk a lot about carding and combing and rolags and top, but the first step in any of those prep pr... →more
5627019E • $12.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Essentials of Handcarding - eBook Printed Copy

Looking for a way to build your carding skills? This eBook was designed with you in mind!With these art... →more
5627020E • $12.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: A Spinner's Guide to Dyeing and Blending - eBook Printed Copy

Learn how to put together a colorful palette for your project with confidence! Color: A Spinner's Gu... →more
5627021E • $12.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Spinning Fine Wool - eBook Printed Copy

There are so many different reasons to love fine wool: softness, crimp, and the potential for spinning go... →more
5627022E • $17.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Handwoven, Fiber Friends to Knit and Crochet,- eBook Printed Copy

The Handspun Fiber Friends to Knit and Crochet eBook honors fiber suppliers from the animal kingdom who ma... →more
5627023E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: The Judith MacKenzie Collection - eBook Printed Copy

Judith MacKenzie is a renowned spinner and a frequent contributor to Spin-Off magazine. Her articles are al... →more
5627014E • $17.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: How to Spin It, Making Yarn from Scratch - eBook Printed Copy

From adding the very first twist to a handful of fiber to washing and skeining your handspun yarn, an am... →more
5627025E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin Off Presents: Selections from Handspun - Treasures from Rare Wools - eBook Printed Copy

Whats so great about rare sheep breeds and their wool? You can get Merino wool just about anywhere, right? We... →more
5627026E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin Off Presents: Down and Related Breeds - eBook Printed Copy

Extensive information about six down breeds of sheep for you to consider spinning, raising or knitting wi... →more
5627027E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin Off Presents: Lovely Longwools - eBook Printed Copy

Softness can be an obsession with spinners and other fiber folk We may gush over the fine, crimpy fiber of Me... →more
5627030E • $17.95 • in-stock

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Spin Off Presents: Handspun, Handwoven - eBook Printed Copy

Spinners love to make yarnthats just a fact. But unless we like hanging skeins on the wall, or wearing th... →more
5627051E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Delightful Mittens to Spin Year-Round: 8 Knitted Patterns from Spin Off - eBook Printed Copy

This Spin-off collections of patterns has eight knitted patterns, including simple fingerless mitts, el... →more
5627052E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin Off Presents: Lovely Lace: 6 Projects to Spin and Knit eBook Printed Copy

One of the biggest misconceptions we hear from knitters about lace is that it must use tiny yarn and ne... →more
5627053E • $12.95 • in-stock

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Respect the Spindle

Enjoying resurgence in popularity thanks to the current trend of DIY crafts, the hand spindle remains one of... →more
56296000 • $22.99 • in-stock

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The Practical Spinner's Guide Rare Luxury Fibers

Your informational guide to preparing and spinning rare luxury fibers. Judith MacKenzie discusses the hi... →more
56320400 • $27.99

Temporarily unavailable, please call or contact for details

Spin-Off Presents: Spin Your Socks 2 - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Following the popularity of the first Spin Your So... →more
5627003E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Handspinner's Handbook

Small, but information packed. The basic spinning information is very thorough and easy for even be... →more
56020000 • $9.95 • in-stock

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The Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook: More Than 200 Fibers, from Animal to Spun Yarn

Have you wanted to know about different sheep breeds and their fibers? What they look like? The Fleece and Fi... →more
56036000 • $35.00

Temporarily unavailable, please call or contact for details

The Spinner's Book of Fleece: A Breed-by-Breed Guide to Choosing and Spinning the Perfect Fiber for Every Purpose

Characteristics of fleece vary widely depending on the breed of sheep. Beth Smith presents a thorough ov... →more
56036010 • $29.95 • in-stock

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This charming little booklet is about the history of drop spindles and how to use them. It's so nice th... →more
56080000 • $9.95 • in-stock

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Fibre Facts

Ostensibly for spinners, this is truly valuable reading for all fiber people. Examines shrinkage, st... →more
56130000 • $9.95 • in-stock

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Spin Span Spun: Fact and Folklore for Spinners

Hundreds of interesting anecdotes and little known facts about spinning. Just for fun, it makes a great gi... →more
56140000 • $9.95 • in-stock

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The Ashford Book of Carding

A handspinners guide to fiber preparation. Tutorials on flick carding, hand carding, drum carding, fleece to... →more
56240100 • $28.50 • in-stock

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The Ashford Book of Hand Spinning

Learn to hand spin with fibre artist Jo Reeve. Jo, the author of the very popular Ashford Book of Carding, ha... →more
56240200 • $30.50 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Spin Your Socks - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Spin-Off magazine has compiled a 45-page e-book fe... →more
5627002E • $17.95 • in-stock

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Spin to Knit The Knitter's Guide to Making Yarn

Everything you need to know to make one-of-a-kind yarn! Do you want to knit with something other than co... →more
56010200 • Sale $21.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Some Tops with a Twist: 7 Handspun Hats - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Get seven hats for the whole family from Spin-Offs 19... →more
5627004E • $12.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: A Handspindle Treasury: Spindle Spinning - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Spin-Off Magazine presents an eBook on the basics of wo... →more
5627006E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: A Handspindle Treasury: Spinning Around the World - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Spin-Off Magazine presents an eBook that covers the ri... →more
5627007E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: 8 Handspun Scarves to Felt, Knit, and Weave - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Spin, knit, weave, and felt an assortment of scarfs. Wo... →more
5627009E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: All About Silk - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. From a silk worms origins to silk production to the fi... →more
5627010E • $17.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Weaving with Handspun - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Discover ways to spin the perfect yarn for your we... →more
5627011E • $17.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Spinning for Crochet - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Spinning and crochet are the perfect pair. Learn how to... →more
5627012E • $15.95 • in-stock

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Spin-Off Presents: Cotton from Growing to Finishing - eBook Printed Copy

Now available in print exclusively from Halcyon Yarn. Discover the whole process of spinning cotton: from gr... →more
5627013E • $17.95 • in-stock

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