Portrait of Kendra
by: Kendra

Mega Knitting – Mega Fun


Think big, really big and you have mega knitting or otherwise known as gigantic knitting or extreme knitting. This new craze in the knitting world is essentially knitting on steroids. Super sized knitting needles and unspun wool known as roving can have a knitter whipping up projects almost instantaneously.

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Having just recently read an article in the new [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] I decided to give it a try. Let me first admit I was a bit of a skeptic and thought this whole idea of mega knitting was a wee bit crazy. Given my skepticism, it’s not surprising I took baby steps when entering its oversized realm. If you search the internet you’ll find projects ranging in size and proportion. The thought of working with knitting needles fashioned out of closet poles was a bit too much for me. So I analyzed my equipment and roving options and came up with the perfect first project. I’ve shared it here step-by-step in the hope you’ll give this mega knitting thing a try. I’m a convert and you might be too!


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  [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]

The Bold Beauty Wrap came together in a flash. I decided to use extra large needles easily purchased, [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] , plenty big enough for me. Next I chose to use Mauch Chunky Roving for a couple reasons. First, it has a slightly more narrow diameter than most rovings so I could knit directly with the roving without having to split it into thinner strips (such a time saver). When purchased in 1lb increments it comes beautifully packaged, ready to use by simply cutting open the bag and laying the fiber bundle beside you. I also love the color choices. So a set of needles, a bundle of fiber and I was set to knit.


The Bold Beauty Wrap  The Bold Beauty Wrap
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  [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]


I designed the wrap with a slightly asymmetrical shape. It starts with a triangular base and tapers into a long scarf. The triangular base rests on your chest while the more narrow scarf portion can be looped and fashioned in several different ways. Because of its bulk, a shawl pin comes in handy to keep your chosen style in place. I love the simplicity of the [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] . The knitting is so fast it becomes quite addictive. I kept saying “just one more row, just one more row…” Before I knew it I was done. Oh did I mention, it’s also unbelievably warm. So get yourself the pattern (which is free when you purchase the fiber), a set of big needles, and choose a color:


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  [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]



Mauch Chunky Roving color 1006 (R1006-KIWI-MC-ROVING) » Info / buy
[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]
 Disc. or unavail.
[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]
 Disc. or unavail.
[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]
 Disc. or unavail.
[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]
 Disc. or unavail.
Mauch Chunky Roving color 1047 (R1047-PETUNIA-MC-ROVING) » Info / buy
[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]
 Disc. or unavail.
[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]
 Disc. or unavail.

Then get ready for some knitting fun! If you like it, don’t stop there. Think scarves, cowls, throws, blankets and felted rugs.

P.S. Tips for knitting with roving

  1. Roving has no twist. As a result it can pull/break apart easily so keep very loose tension at all times. For this reason the American/ “throwing” style of knitting is best when working with roving.
  2. If it pulls apart, overlap the two ends, moisten your hands and gently roll the fiber between your hands.
  3. The knitting needles are big and can be awkward. I like to brace the needle on my right side in my hip. This takes pressure off my right hand and allows me to gently guide the fiber with limited tension. Other people prefer to pinch the needle under their armpit. Play around with it and find what works best for you.
  4. Projects knit with roving pill easily with use. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but if you’d like to lessen the degree to which it pills you might consider lightly felting your piece. If you’re new to felting we suggest seeking out on-line tutorials and sampling before you felt. When using the Mauch roving the knitted piece can be lightly felted after completion by simply soaking in a basin of hot water and transferring it to a basin of cold water. Repeat the process a few times (hot to cold, hot to cold…), lightly squishing while in the basin. Drain basin, squeeze against the side to remove water, roll in towel to remove excess water, lay flat to dry. The extreme difference in temps is often just enough to create a light felting on the outside of the fiber. Remember you are NOT trying to shrink your piece, only stabilize and secure the fibers. For other projects calling for thicker roving, the roving is often felted before knitting. This is a more involved process. Once again, seek out on-line tutorials if you choose to experiment with this.
  5. Weaving in ends can be done with your fingers or if you prefer a needle be sure it has a very large eye such as the [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] .


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  [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]

Related items of interest: • Knitting PatternsMulti-Craft Fiber

Portrait of Kendra
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