Ply - The Magazine for Handspinners - Neck and Shoulders - Winter 2022 - Issue 39

Winter 2022: The Neck and Shoulder Issue

• Do you have a neck and shoulders and want to know the best things to keep them warm?

• Have you wondered what the softest fiber prep is?

• Want to know how to spin a bulky and warm yarn without sacrificing its longevity?

• Interested in designing a shawl using your own handspun?

This thick issue is full of all the things you can put around your neck and shoulders: scarves, cowls, capes, ponchos, and collars. Its got knitting, weaving, sewing, and crochet and every single project is worth your time. Its got articles to educate, inspire, and inform. Do you wonder what makes a fiber soft enough to wear next to your tender parts? How to prep or spin it to make it softer? Blends that works well for different structures? Structures that work best for lace? How to spin a bulky, warm yarn from the finest fibers without sacrificing longevity? Its got all of that plus blending luxury fibers, supported spindles, spinning for weaving, lock spinning, working with fleeces, spinning with beads, and designing your own handspun shawl.

Item Number: 55974220
Price: $11.00



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