Project: Holly Berry

By: kendra

Silk Scarf with Twill Stripes

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Add this project to your cart This project may have been put together some time ago - Please note some items not available - Give us a call and we'd love to help you find a great substitute item!

Item Name Qty Add to Cart
2/30 Gemstone Silk Yarn Out of stock or discontinued. Please call for info, we'd love to help you find a great substitute! 4.00
2/30 Gemstone Silk Yarn Out of stock or discontinued. Please call for info, we'd love to help you find a great substitute! 1.00
2/30 Gemstone Silk Yarn Out of stock or discontinued. Please call for info, we'd love to help you find a great substitute! 1.00
2/30 Gemstone Silk Yarn Out of stock or discontinued. Please call for info, we'd love to help you find a great substitute! 1.00
Handwoven's Master Weaver Collection: Favorite Projects and Lessons from Sharon Alderman eBook Printed Copy. 1.00 Add to cart