Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

Fiber Arts news

Australian tapestry: Socially created, socially conscientious


It’s not often that weaving is a social activity. Large tapestry works seem to be an exception. This work in particular was a moving experience for its creators. Having put in thousands of hours, it is now a powerful piece for those who view it, and provides a powerful testimony to the tragedies and triumphs surrounding “The Gallipoli Letter”. This letter was important in changing the course of Australian troops tragic position in Gallipoli during World War I.

Please go, and tell us about it!

Nell Frizzell with Faroese women ahead of their knitting festival.

The Faroe Islands are about half way between England and Iceland – home to otherworldly landscapes and world renowned knits. Also, apparently, home to some tantalizing, fiber-arts-related, jealousy-inducing craft festivals. Keep the Knitting Festival in mind for next year! Looks to be an amazing opportunity to learn new knitting techniques and make new friends while staying with local knitters.

Knitting is for the birds


Well, this knitting is for the [adorable baby] birds. Details on where to send knit nests and patterns are available in this pdf.

Knitting Nannas protest protested


It seems that someone felt threatened by the Knitting Nannas continued protests in Australia. They have been protesting for over 3 years against coal gas mining. While being confronted was surprising and “even caused some of us to drop some stitches”, they plan to continue to exercise their right to protest.



Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature