Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

Fiber Arts News


It’s not like you need a reason to feel good about working with natural fibers. But when one comes along, it is reassuring. This bit of pioneering research, begun in Maine, is fascinating and will be important to follow up on. It looks like the very long persistence of synthetic fibers is causing an unseen wave of pollution in the marine environment. Yay for biodegradable fibers!


A nice piece of radio journalism on the importance of woven Saris.



The packaging we get can be so annoying. And what a waste when such strong materials are thrown away. Well here’s something cool in the Solomon Islands: recycling packaging / strapping by weaving bags!

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Viral alert: this rockin’ knit wig has been a sensation of late. What an empowering way to be positive while dealing with chemo!


Um, ok, I feel bad enough about not exercising enough, and not knitting enough… now I have to feel bad about not knitting and exercising at the same time? Haha awesome!

Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature