Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

Gift Guide Makes Holiday Shopping Easy


Let Halcyon Yarn help you get going on your holiday gifts with suggestions from our handy gift guide! In no time at all you can identify that perfect gift for the fiber lovers in your life or browse at your leisure and create your own wish list to share with friends and family. Creating a wish list is easy.  Check out our how to post.

As an added bonus, share your custom wish list before December 1, 2014 via email, social media, public blog or website and you could even Win-Your-Wishlist

PLUS, earn up to 10% back in Halcyon Dollars to use in April, 2015.

Gifts for Everyone

Gifts for Weavers

Knitters Gifts

Gifts for Spinners

Gifts for Felters

Crochet gifts

Gifts for Hookers

Gifts from Maine

Free w/ purchase patterns

Gifts for kids

Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature