Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

More help please…

Hope everyone had a great long weekend! Starting the week here by taking some photos… But I can’t make a decision; I’m too biased (that’s my daughter) …Which to use in the catalog? Suggestions? Thanks!

Catalog photo option number 1
Option #1

Catalog photo option number 2
Option #2

Catalog photo option number 3
Option #3

Catalog photo option number 4
Option #4

Catalog photo option number 5
Option #5

Catalog photo option number 6
Option #6

(edit)… Oh yeah, here is the pattern, an oldie but goodie (greatie!)!

Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature

4 thoughts on “More help please…”

  1. Jody says:

    GO for #3 she is adorable and the sweater is fabulous!!!

  2. Tina Ellis says:

    # 3 says “I’m a Super Model”, not to mention a classic Maine photo on a wharf, a little sparkle from the water and sun. Refreshing!!

  3. Rita Rooney says:

    I vot for #1. Show the jacket the best and of course the darling little girl too.!

  4. Elizabeth GM says:

    I’m voting for #5. It has the clearest shot of what’s amazing about the Baby Surprise Jacket. The kids look really sweet in that photo, too.

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