Portrait of Kendra
by: Kendra

Next Steps in Weaving book is a “must have”

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[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] by Pattie Graver is a definite “must have” for any weaver ready to move beyond twill. Having answered countless questions regarding specific weaving concepts from fellow weavers who lacked technical knowledge, Pattie knew there there was a need for guided education to take weavers to the next level. Thus, Next Steps in Weaving was born.


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Pattie’s own words best describe the book…

Next Steps in Weaving focuses on fundamental weaving concepts and offers a direction of study with the opportunity to experience a variety of weaves and variations; it will help you dive in and become a weaver. By reading the chapters and weaving the samplers and projects, you’ll acquire a solid understanding of the concepts presented in this book. I’ve tried to include all the information I longed for when I was ready to move beyond twill.”

Each chapter has a specific focus, starting with twill and then moving on through color-and-weave, overshot, summer and winter, and finally lace. It’s a comprehensive, thorough education you’ll really value.

Portrait of Kendra
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