Portrait of Beth
by: Beth

Sequence Knitting Book on SALE


Sequence Knitting, Simple Methods for Creating Complex Fabrics is THE book to add to your knitting library.  Author and designer Cecelia Campochiaro explores the practice of repeating basic stitch sequences to create fabric rich with texture and sophistication.  Sequence Knitting is the ultimate gift for knitters of all abilities, order your copy soon!

2 thoughts on “Sequence Knitting Book on SALE”

  1. Marcher says:

    I’d like more info what this is.

    1. Amos says:

      Hi! Thanks for the question. If you take a look at this link, there is a full description of the book:
      You can also check out the author’s website:
      If you have any other questions, just let me know! Best, Amos

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