Portrait of Gretchen
by: Gretchen

Tapestry & Tablet Weaving Favorites

Get started now with great deals on tapestry and tablet weaving essentials!

Start with a favorite kit…

Try our new Triple Play Wall Hanging Kits in three modern colorways. (loom not included)

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And grab either of Harrisville’s Lap Loom Kits. Plus, the larger lap loom is great for the Triple Play Wall Hanging too – so plan ahead and get both!

[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] Halcyon's Deluxe Card Weaving Kit


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Halcyon's Deluxe Card Weaving Kit  Halcyon's Deluxe Card Weaving Kit

Take on Tablet Weaving with the Halcyon's Deluxe Card Weaving Kit, which contains everything you need to make amazing patterned bands and straps, using the included 3/2 Pearl Cotton.

While you’re at it, grab more of the tapestry and tablet worthy yarns in our kits!


Pearl Cotton is a mercerized 100% cotton that is strong, easy to work with and comes in over 65 colors. We highly recommend it for tablet (card) weaving and inkle weaving. Plus Pearl Cotton comes in economical mini cones so you can create a broad palette. 3/2 Pearl Cotton Yarn also works as warp thread for smaller tapestries.


3/2 Pearl Cotton Yarn 3/2 Pearl Cotton Yarn

For a fast weaving, beautifully rustic wool in a range of heathered hues, try our exclusive Halcyon Geo Rug Wool Yarn. Love the Triple Play design, but want to go bigger, or make more in your own colors? Stock up with extra savings on single skeins of Geo!


Halcyon Geo Rug Wool Yarn Halcyon Geo Rug Wool Yarn

(volume discounts are at regular prices)

Learn more with these great reads…

Stock up on terrific looms and tools…


Tapestry Loom Techniques: A Guide to Exploration on the Two-Harness Loom » Info / buy
DIY Woven Art » Info / buy
The Tapestry Handbook - The Next Generation » Info / buy
Card Weaving » Info / buy
Shaped Tapestry 2nd edition  » Info / buy
Weaving a Chronicle » Info / buy
Geometric Designs in Weaving » Info / buy

[Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] 7.5" Sheesham Wood Tapestry Bobbin Leclerc 5" Plastic Tapestry Bobbins and Spools (12) Schacht Double Ended Tapestry Beater Leclerc Light Tapestry Beater Schacht School Loom [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock] Schacht 25" Tapestry Loom Schacht Mini Loom Weaving Kit Harrisville Peg Loom with Accessories Schacht Belt Shuttle Harrisville Backstrap Shuttle Beater [Sorry, item discontinued or temporarily out of stock]


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7.5" Sheesham Wood Tapestry Bobbin  7.5" Sheesham Wood Tapestry Bobbin
Leclerc 5" Plastic Tapestry Bobbins and Spools (12)  Leclerc 5" Plastic Tapestry Bobbins and Spools (12)
Schacht Double Ended Tapestry Beater  Schacht Double Ended Tapestry Beater
Leclerc Light Tapestry Beater  Leclerc Light Tapestry Beater
Schacht School Loom  Schacht School Loom
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Schacht 25" Tapestry Loom  Schacht 25" Tapestry Loom
Schacht Mini Loom Weaving Kit  Schacht Mini Loom Weaving Kit
Harrisville Peg Loom with Accessories  Harrisville Peg Loom with Accessories
Schacht Belt Shuttle  Schacht Belt Shuttle
Harrisville Backstrap Shuttle Beater  Harrisville Backstrap Shuttle Beater
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Related items of interest: • Weaving KitsOur yarnsFine weight yarnsCotton yarnsBulky weight yarnsWool yarnsWeaving BooksWeaving Equipment

Portrait of Gretchen
Picture of Gretchen signature