Portrait of Amos
by: Amos

Weaving RX: The Weaver is IN! And other classes for this summer.

Michael PattersonThis summer just keeps getting better! Here are some highlights from our learning center:

Weaving RX: If you’re a weaver with questions and/or problems with a project or loom, or need assistance planning a new project, Halcyon’s master weaver is available to help on the third Thursday of the month. Bring your questions, projects, show & tell to the third floor classroom and receive a prescription for success! Access to Halcyon Yarn’s reference library is also available. Come for one, or come for all, it’ll be a good time every time! Thurs: June 19, July 17, Aug 21. At only $5 per session it is a learning bargain.

Knit for the Cure: Using Skacel’s limited edition sock kit featuring specially dyed “Pink Ribbon” Trekking XXL sock wool, knitters will learn new techniques while supporting breast cancer research. The sock includes a ribbon motif, cables and beaded accents, and is finished off with a “star” toe. Knit for the CureAll net proceeds from the sale of the kits will go to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Center. Participants should have mastered basic knitting skills and have experience knitting on double pointed needles. This class isn’t until later this summer, but we’re excited about it and wanted to get the word out early! Your very own kit is included in the class fee. Class is worked over two dates, Fri, Aug 1 & 8. Class fee: $75.00.

Portrait of Amos
Picture of Amos signature