For June, 2008

knit in public!This idea started this morning as a groggy Friday “who knew?” comment, and several hours later we were so excited we’d created a full blown contest! Here is the deal: This Saturday is World Wide Knit in Public Day. We’d never heard of it, but it’s actually really cool. The idea is to create community, shed stereotypes, and have fun knitting in public! There is a history of this growing event and a listing of some public events at this site. Find a KIP (knit in public) and get in on the excitement!

Well, getting in on the game late this year, we can’t really knit in public!organize our own event effectively… but we want to share in the excitement, so we want to see your photos of your WWKIP day! We’ll post some of our favorites in a future newsletter, and we’re also rewarding the best photo with a sweet prize: A Halcyon Yarn Tote Bag (all the better to knit in public, my precious) and a gift certificate for 15% off any fiber that you purchase (to help you fill the bag with the fiber of your choice, redeemable when you are awarded your free prize bag)!

baby in bagAnd that’s not all, we want to include all fiber artists – so, we’ll give an additional prize pack to the best “not knitting but still a fiber art in public” (NKBSAFAIP) photo! That’s right, this is a chance for all you crocheters, hookers, kumihimo-ers, felters, braiders, spinners, and (oh we hope!) weavers, to show your stuff in public!!

These photos are just our attempt to get in on the action during lunch today… a beautiful day to knit in public, and what really got us excited about this awesome event! We had a great time outside, got some funny looks from the Rt. 1 traffic, and helped to raise awareness about what we do. We’re looking forward to hearing back from y’all and seeing how you do it!

knit in public!So, get your fiber out in public, agree to our contest rules (below), and then send your photos to our nerd-master (er, web-master) Amos at: . Entries will be accepted until a week from this Saturday (AKA, June 21st, 2008).

Contest Rules: All photo submissions must be your original work. By submitting your work you agree to allow us to display your work on our website or in print, and you acknowledge that you will receive no compensation from us (unless you win one of the prizes). You agree to allow us to distribute your work under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Please give us your name so that we may acknowledge authorship if your work is selected for publication. Two prize packs as described above will be awarded; one will be for “knitting related” and one will be for “other than knitting” fiber arts in public photos. Judging and selection of photos in based on artistic merit and expressiveness of the spirit of World Wide Knit in Public Day. Judging is at our sole discretion and our decisions, while perhaps imperfect, are final. We try our best to be fair. Thanks and good luck!

Indigo DaysWe have a special event going on this summer, Indigo Days! What better time to celebrate the rich and varied hues of blue that surround us…

Indigo – the color that made Levi Strauss rich!…Let us initiate you into the mysteries of indigo in our summer hands-on dyeing workshop where you will dye your prepared fleece, yarn, or woven fabric. Halcyon staff will set up indigo dye pots so you can dye your own fiber projects. Safe dyeing procedures will be emphasized and you will learn how to set up your own dye baths at home.

Cost: $20 one pound & under, $10 each additional pound.

Michael PattersonThis summer just keeps getting better! Here are some highlights from our learning center:

Weaving RX: If you’re a weaver with questions and/or problems with a project or loom, or need assistance planning a new project, Halcyon’s master weaver is available to help on the third Thursday of the month. Bring your questions, projects, show & tell to the third floor classroom and receive a prescription for success! Access to Halcyon Yarn’s reference library is also available. Come for one, or come for all, it’ll be a good time every time! Thurs: June 19, July 17, Aug 21. At only $5 per session it is a learning bargain.

Knit for the Cure: Using Skacel’s limited edition sock kit featuring specially dyed “Pink Ribbon” Trekking XXL sock wool, knitters will learn new techniques while supporting breast cancer research. The sock includes a ribbon motif, cables and beaded accents, and is finished off with a “star” toe. Knit for the CureAll net proceeds from the sale of the kits will go to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Center. Participants should have mastered basic knitting skills and have experience knitting on double pointed needles. This class isn’t until later this summer, but we’re excited about it and wanted to get the word out early! Your very own kit is included in the class fee. Class is worked over two dates, Fri, Aug 1 & 8. Class fee: $75.00.

Annalee RoseEver wonder who put together the beautiful sample card you just received? How about that kit you just ordered? Well, all of the Halcyon Yarn kits and sample cards are made right here, and most are made by Annalee. She helps Halcyon Yarn to keep offering the important, informative, and generally awesome sample cards – and, without her we also couldn’t offer the wide range of creative kits designed by local artists.

Annalee started here in September of 2007. While she’s not a “native Mainer” (hey, neither are people who were born here unless their great-great grandparents were also!), she been a local for quite some time: She moved from New York state in 1999. When first asked about being featured for the staff highlight she said “Oh, no, really? Everyone here is so talented with crafts and knits so beautifully, I have a lot of catching up to do”… Hmm, we’ll see about that.

Amigurumi made by AnnaleeIt turns out that Annalee started crocheting in college. Though she hadn’t been actively crocheting when she started at Halcyon Yarn, she offered to hook up some samples from “Amigurumi World” for the store… Wow! Talk about bringing things to life, the adorable samples are a hit amongst kids and adults alike, and we can’t keep the display orderly as a result! Is that it for Annalee’s fiber interests? “I also enjoy embroidery, sewing and cross stitch… And I’m learning to knit since coming to Halcyon Yarn”… Whoa, watch out!

Outside of work and the fiber arts Annalee has two cats, Maya and Tess, and two daughters, Megan and Julie. She enjoys gardening and reading, and is a BIG NASCAR fan! And, she likes to head even farther north (or, east) for holidays and vacations to spend time with family in Nova Scotia.

Thanks Annalee!

Yikes, new books galore! I guess the printers figure it’s summer reading season, ‘cuz we are reeling with the flood of new books, patterns, and dvds arriving in the shop. Order up some new fiber literature, grab your craft bag (or grab one of ours) and head on down to the beach!

Are you ready? Here they are:

Gift CertificatesEver noticed the blue survey card that comes in your order? Have you tossed it aside, thinking, “I’ve never even heard of anyone winning one of the prizes anyway?” Well, the truth is we value those cards a lot, just as we value your input into all that we do. They’re an important way for us to evaluate and improve how we do things, and we always love to hear back from folks. So, we wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all the tons and tons of folks who do return the cards. And, oh yeah, people really do win stuff – just look at the list from the last year:

First, the $10 winners:
Jean Jacobson
Carol Harvey
Laurel Hayama
Bob Carr
Paula Bottomley
Larraine Spector
Susan Rizzo
Jeanne Smith
Avima Darnov
Mary Lee
Janet Colville

And then there are the $25 winners:
Susan Bulk
Mavis Pacchioli
Ann Bont
Mary Ann Wendell

And finally the Grand Prize $50 Winner:
Lois Koenig

Congratulations to all!

Thanks again to all who order, and to all who have returned the cards!